Saturday, April 11, 2015

When You Are a Virgin, but the Girl is Not

Many guys face this emotional challenge early on in their dating lives before they have had any sexual experience with women and when they are still virgins. They start going out with a girl, they start liking her and develop feelings for her and then – they find out that the girl is not as “pure” and “innocent” as they are, and as they thought she would be – she is not a virgin.
In that situation, a typical guy, who doesn’t have any sexual experience and who is still a virgin, finds it difficult to get used to the idea that the girl is not as “pure,” “clean” and innocent as he is. It bothers him, and he often can’t help but be upset by the fact that another guy has touched her before him or that she simply has more experience in the bedroom department than he does. The guy realizes that he can’t blame the girl for anything, and that she really didn’t do anything wrong by simply having had greater dating and sexual experience in the past, but it still bothers him. He starts “interrogating” the girl, asking her all kinds of invasive questions about her past sex life out of his overwhelming curiosity and jealousy, but this only makes things worse and makes him even angrier and more frustrated – primarily with himself and his inability to conquer his feelings toward the girl’s sexual past and the fact that she is not a virgin like he is, especially if the girl answers his questions.
So, what are the reasons for this frustration? First, a guy who is a virgin might feel that it’s somewhat unfair that he is “pure” but the girl is not. He might believe that he is giving more than he is receiving when he is a virgin and the girl has already been “used.” Secondly and more importantly, the guy will feel jealous of the fact that the girl who he likes so much has had an intimate experience with another guy, shared some very special moments with someone before she met him, and that for her it would not be as special for her being with him now, as it will be for him to be with her.
This internal battle that the virgin guy might have in this situation is important for him to overcome so he doesn’t ruin an otherwise good situation with the girl that he likes so much and that he can enjoy developing his relationship and sexual intimacy with her. If you are a guy who faces the above challenges, I would like to suggest to you two very effective things that you can do to overcome this problem:

1. Put a positive spin on the fact that the girl is no longer a virgin and has all that sexual experience.

Why? Because it is indeed mostly positive. Her sexual experience will help both of you during the first time that you have sex with her. She might teach you a few things that you wouldn’t have learned from a girl who has never been with the guy before. And be assured that it doesn’t help doing it for the first time with a girl who, like you, doesn’t know what she is doing. It will only make you even more nervous than you will already be and will make it all the more difficult and more awkward to have sex and enjoy it.

2. Stop idealizing your relationship with her.

You must stop seeking and expecting perfection from every aspect of your dating situation and of the girl. As much as you might like her and be crazy about her, she is not perfect. Guess what – sooner or later you will realize that just like any other relationship, this dating situation is not perfect. You will have arguments, fights and other problems. You will likely break up and there will be many other women in your life after that girl, who was your first sexual partner. So stop worrying or expecting her to be as pure and untouched as you are. It doesn’t really matter. She is not your belonging.

3. Leave her past where it belongs – in the past.

No matter how much you like her and how much you want her to be yours and only yours, you don’t own her. You cannot and you should not control her. Leave her dating and sexual past in the past and move on. Focus on your present and on the fact that she wants to be with you and you want to be with her.  Perceive your interaction and your initial sexual experience with her as a valuable lesson and an introduction to your dating life, and this mindset will serve you well. Benefit from your experience by gaining an experience of your own.
And also remember – the only reason you are still a virgin and she is not is because you haven’t met anyone with whom you wanted and could have had sex with. It’s purely matter of timing – she just happened to meet someone she liked and was attracted to earlier than you did. She is not to be blamed for it, and there is no reason why you should be concerned about it today.

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